The Demographics component allows users to view two key types of information: patient contact information and data sources contributing to a patient's record. In the Zus Web Application, this also includes extended demographic information about the patient such as insurance and secondary addresses (if avialable).
Embedded ZAP
The Demographic tab of the ZAP has two sections.
The first, Contact Info contains the following data:
- Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and geographic addresses for the patient.
- The Type of each phone number, e-mail address, or address. For example a phone number might be mobile, home, or something else.
- Sources: The sources that reported the individual phone number, email address, or address.
Contact Information is Ordered by Frequency
The data in the contact information sections are ordered by the frequency by which they appear in Zus data. So phone numbers that appear the most often will be listed on top, etc.
The Sources section has information about data sources with the following information included:
- Date: The date the record was retrieved.
- Source: The source of the data. This might be an EHR, a Provider Organization, a Hospital, or other entity that contributed patient data.
- Patient Details: The name, date of birth, and administrative gender of the patient record that was retrieved.
- Contact info: The phone number and email address listed for the patient from that source.
Zus Web App
In the Zus Web App patient Demographics, Contact Information, and Sources are listed in the "Demographics" tab.
Updated 2 months ago