

The Conditions component allows providers to manage patient problems easily by leveraging a summarized history of conditions reported for that patient.

Providers can:

  • View and manage a de-duplicated list of conditions reported by your organization and other providers
  • See a chronological history of condition documentation by your team and other providers
  • Easily reconcile and add conditions from other providers’ lists to your own conditions list in your EHR or in the Zus web application

Conditions List

  • The Conditions List contains conditions your provider team added and conditions external providers have recorded that are not in your condition list.
  • The list is grouped by Body System. You can also filter the list by Body system using the Category filter.
  • High-risk Conditions are noted by a blue HCC badge. HCCs, or Hierarchical Condition Categories, can be used to identify patients with serious acute or chronic conditions as part of a risk-adjustment model. Read more about HCCs here.
  • The list will be blank if the ZAP didn't find conditions in a patient's medical history or if your organization has never requested a patient's medical.
  • If a conflicting determination is reported from an external condition (e.g., your record says Anemia is inactive, but a newer report says it's active), the record in your patient chart will not change, and the history for the condition will display the conflicting external record.

Condition Details

  • Condition History is available for any condition from your organization and external providers.
  • The Details box summarizes the latest information available for that condition.
  • History shows all individual records in the ZAP associated with a given condition, including encounter diagnoses and problem list documentation. Expanding a record provides available details such as the reporting physician (Recorder), status, and the associated encounter. If a source document is available, it'll be notated with an icon and linked.

Managing Conditions

Conditions can be added to your record from external records in the Conditions List or you can create a new condition record by clicking the "Add Condition" button. The form allows you to search for and select any condition, select an appropriate status, record onset, and include notes.

  • In addition to Active, Inactive, and Refuted, Zus offers Pending and Entered in Error statuses.
  • Entered in Error is equivalent to a soft delete. You will receive this status for any conditions you choose to remove from your Conditions List.
  • Pending is not adopted by all organizations. Some use it to denote conditions with pending labs or for pre-charting and other supporting care team workflows before the physician visit.

Once added to your record, these conditions will appear with a checkmark to the right of the condition name. Clicking "Remove" will remove the condition from your record, remove the checkmark, and retain it in the Condition List as an external record.

If you believe a condition is inactive for a patient or was entered in error, you can click "Dismiss" to remove it from the Condition List. Select "+ Add Filters" and click "Show Dismissed Records" to show dismissed conditions, which will appear in gray font. The dismiss action can also be reversed.